
Do you have carpal
tunnel syndrome?

What is
carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel is most common after age 50 but can affect patients as early as their twenties. It’s caused by the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel. Pressure on the median nerve causes tingling and numbness in the hands and pain that can sometimes be intense. If not treated quickly, it can lead to an irreversible loss of your sense of touch and thumb muscle atrophy.

Repetitive manual tasks are commonly associated with CTS. Certain chronic conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, and age are also common risk factors.

Do you think you have carpal tunnel syndrome?

Take our diagnostic test

Everything you need to know
about carpal tunnel syndrome

Cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and double crush

Main aux doigts fléchissants

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

Main aux doigts fléchissants

What are the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Main aux doigts fléchissants

How do I know if I have carpal tunnel syndrome?

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